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Steady Wind


Steady Wind


A professional & Enlightened approach


Imagine a world where no one speaks your language or understands who you are. Pretty scary, right?

All dogs have unique and personal emotions like humans. Not to be confused with our human lifestyles, thoughts, or even basic methods of communication. Yes! Dogs are amazing and integrate into our lifestyles but we must also look deeper into the hearts and minds of our canine family members to truly begin to see how they perceive and process the world around them.

If we dive deep into the structure and communication of canines we will notice that food can strongly enforce aggressive-dominant behaviors. Although dominant behaviors are not bad, they need to be in the structural order with our human society. As far as painful devices such as prong collars or high intensity shock collars are concerned, the "Do it or I'll hurt you" method is just plain old WRONG!

My methods are about as natural as they come. Over my career I have developed unique techniques to implement proper canine structure, safety, crystal-clear communication and trust between you and your best friend. All without using a single food reward or painful device.




Dogs perceive reality very differently than we do. They don’t use object-oriented vocalization to communicate as humans do. The best way to describe a dog's method of communication is that they speak through a mix of emotion and their instinctive sensory abilities such as sight, sound, and smell. For instance, a dog will know when a person or animal is nervous around them and, depending on their personality, their reaction may vary. He or she may become subdued and soliciting in order to claim the person or animal, whereas another would take advantage of the situation and display dominance by reacting aggressively.

These are both normal behaviors, however what's most important is understanding your dog's uniqueness and being aware of how your dog reacts to his or her environment. This is crucial to your dog's health & well being, and the rewarding enjoyment that comes from having a best friend.




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Your dog should never feel uncomfortable around you, your family, or non-aggressive visitors or strangers. Giving your dog the life-skills to feel at home, loved, and understood is the greatest gift that you can give to them and yourself! We can help.

David’s ability and methods of building communication and understanding are not limited to his work with dogs. He also specializes in behavior of all animal life and is well known for his work with large mammal species. David has worked for many well-known organizations such as The S.A.T.O Project (saving dog’s lives in Puerto Rico), Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, Second Chance Rescue and Pets Alive Westchester are just a few to mention. He has traveled the world and dedicated himself to behavior and rescue. All certificates, degrees, and written letters of recommendation are available upon request.